Board of Trustees Meeting 1/11/2025 - 11:15 am @ the Boat House & via Zoom
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Incorporated Village of Ocean Beach will hold a Board of Trustees meeting on Saturday, January 11, 2025 at 11:15 AM. The Meeting will be conducted in-person at the Boat House, 625-632 Bayberry Walk, Ocean Beach, NY and also via Zoom video/teleconference. This will be an official meeting. All interested persons are welcome to attend.
9:00 - 11:00 AM - Executive Session
11:15 AM - General Session
11:30 AM - Public Hearings
Public Hearings are as follows:
1. LOCAL LAW 01 of 2025: Amend Chapter 6 - Tax Cap Override for 2025
2. LOCAL LAW 02 OF 2025: Amend Chapter 164 – Regulating Signage
Zoom link:
The meeting will be conducted:
In-person at the Boat House, located at the Ferry Terminal, 625-632 Bayberry Walk, Ocean Beach.
Via Zoom:
Monitor your Water Usage 5/22/2024
PLEASE NOTE: This is not billing software, it’s for monitoring water usage only!!!
Zoning Board Meeting - Saturday, January 25, 2025 @ 11:00 am In-person & via Zoom
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Incorporated Village of Ocean Beach will hold a Public continuation hearing to consider the request for variances on Saturday, January 25, 2025 at 11:00 AM in person at the Boat House, 625-632 Bayberry Walk, Ocean Beach, NY and via Zoom video/teleconference, in regard to the following:
1. Variance Application:
Michael Besen, 398-399 Ocean View Walk, Ocean Beach, NY 11770 BP2024-053
164-25 Side yard requirements
164-24 Front yard requirements
Join ZOOM Link:
Village of Ocean Beach is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 899 4451 3066 Passcode: 321940
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NYS Resiliency Retrofits Program
New York State homeowners may be eligible for up to $50,000 in a 50/50 loan/grant program to undertake flood mitigation measures and other climate-ready improvements to their homes, including energy upgrades.
Up to $50,000 in a combination low-interest loan with matching grant for flood mitigation and energy efficiency and electrification improvements (main structure of the home only)
Loans are at a 3% simple interest rate and are payable over 5-10 years
Grant portion, of up to $25,000, is considered a deferred loan through the term of the loan and forgiven once the terms of the loan are satisfied
Homes located in Extreme Risk Areas, Floodways and Coastal Erosion Zones may not be eligible to participate and/or may require additional review
Homeowners choose their own properly insured and certified contractor(s)
Household income must be at or below 120% of HUD median income
No minimum credit score required
Primary residences only
Owner-occupied, 1-4 unit buildings allowed
Homeowner must undertake a flood mitigation measure as part of the overall home improvement.
Contact Info
We are a nonprofit exempt mortgage banker. Loans are arranged through third-party vendors. CDLI Funding Corporation is a Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity lender.
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